The banging, the scattered, volcanic cement bags spewing cement dust all over the place, the insecure feeling in the back of your head, that one of the three unfamiliar baseball capped faces that you have just let into your home, hopefully isn't staking out your house, (it's an Argentine thing) and let us not forget the mess..... oooohhh the mess!!
Aside from the obvious inconveniences and worries , one prays very hard, that at the end of the job, the Albanil (construction worker) that was highly recommended to you , who is "de confianza", (trustworthy) and is sworn to you with enthusiasm that he "trabaja muy bien", (works very well) will ultimately not mess the job up.
Every homeowner knows that construction repairs are inevitable and that sooner or later they will have to confront this stressful situation.
After 6 years of small and large maintenance repairs to 279, I can't think of one major repair to the house that I didn't have to repair twice. Yes, you read correctly, same repair twice! DOS VECES!!
That was of course, before I met Jose.
Jose's first job at 279 was to gut out and re-cement three walls. As I watched Jose outline the damaged area with a pencil and ruler, his attention to detail was impressive and reassuring. After 2 days of concentrated work, and a job that was visibly well executed from start to finish, I knew that my prayers to Maradona, the man upstairs had been answered!
I finally had found the needle in the hay stack, a true professional, hence, an albanil !
Trust me... it's a big deal!
I would like to take this moment to say thank you to Jose and say...
Yiipppiieee !!!!
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