Alta Gracia Newz

December 15, 2011

An invitation for Cesar Millan, "The Dog Whisperer" to train a Cordobes dog

Here we go again. Another dog bite. Can you believe this is my second dog bite? That makes two bullets that I have taken  for my dog.
 Although in both cases, I would like to be clear and state my dog’s innocence.

The following names of these  teeth grinding  assailants, have been modified to a last name initial  to protect the owner's integrity.

Attacker’s name: Rufus G.
Breed: German Sheppard
Sex: Male
Proximity of wound: surrounding area of right knee cap
Wound Healing time: Forever
Attacker’s owner:  Victim's friend’s dog

Victim’s side of the story:

 Victim was leaving friends home after an afternoon chat. Escorting victim out  of the front door of  house, friend forgets to close the door entirely. (Hello..oo , First red flag.)
As the victim walked over to untie her dog against the side of her friends house, the assailant,  Rufus G ,  pushed his nose against the front door and glided in between the front door and it’s frame escaping.  As Rufus G approached the victim’s dog ,  Indiana Jones, a flying fur frenzy of aggression took place. The victim being right smack in the middle,  was knocked down by assailant Rufus G. and in a slow motion, (visual) Chariot of Fire moment, the mandibulas of
Rufus G.,  took a bite perforating the victims favorite low rider  wool pants purchased at “Barneys” of New York, (not that this piece of information is important to this deposition, but still, a painful retail lost), and inserted it’s teeth into the victim’s knee area causing  damage .
End of story.
Case #2
Attacker’s name: Clara C.
Accessory to crime: Sophie C.
Breed: little four legged aggressive yapping hot dog and Cocker Spaniel
Sex: both females
Proximity of wound: underneath  right side calve , several inches above left side of ankle area.
Wound healing time: Don’t ask. It’s only day 7.
Attacker’s owner: One of my across the street neighbor’s (not saying which one)

Victim’s side of the story:
 While walking  her dog, Indiana Jones ,  victim's neighbor in typical Argentine oblivion*, was pulling out of her driveway with the gates wide open, (Duh! First red flag) when her two dogs, one Clara C .and Sophie C.(cocker spaniel)  grabbed an opportunity of  freedom from their usual fenced in prison bars and escaped to the street ( Really ?!! , Duh  #2) and like two bats out of hell, pounced on the victims dog.  Victim immediately let go of the leash to distance herself from this violent ménage et toi . As victim stepped back, victim's dog Indiana Jones and Sophie C. continued their dominating dispute.
 Meanwhile, ,  Clara C. remained behind with the victim and for no good reason other than to make the victims life miserable, took a chunk of the victims Cuban /American leg meat for a quick snack.
End of story.

My spritual seeking question is:
Where is the “Dog Whisperer” when you need him?

I openly challenge  the dog guru himself, the maestro of dog trainers,the honorable Cesar  Millan to train a Cordobes dog. Of course, with complimentary accommodations at 279 Boutique Bed+Breakfast. How about it Cesar?!!!

*you mean , other people besides me exist?

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