Alta Gracia Newz

December 10, 2010

Foreign tourist can Fly for free to Cordoba!

 Yes, you read correctly, foreign tourists can fly for free to Cordoba !
 This announcement was made by the head of Cordoba Tourism, Gustavo Santos. It is the same benefit that the city of Mar del Plata is enjoying. Foreign tourism in Cordoba moves about $ 50 million a month.
Foreign tourists visiting Argentina, may travel free from Buenos Aires to Cordoba by Aerolineas Argentinas, a situation that will improve the flow of international visitors to the Mediterranean province, as announced by the private sector.
The news was announced yesterday by the chairman of the Cordoba Tourism Agency, Gustavo Santos, who said that the deal  would be sealed during the next few days in  Buenos Aires.
 Spokesmen for The Association of Travel Agents Cordoba (ACAV), and the Chamber of Tourism of Córdoba,  announced this morning  that  their optimism for future  developments involving the promotion for  tourism in the provinces looks promising.

"It's an interesting achievement, certainly very positive for Córdoba, because it enhances greatly the chances that visitors choose to spend a few days in the province," said Altamirano. However, he clarified that  this news  would not constitute a "zero tariff", but actually a discount of between 70 and 80% for domestic flights between Ezeiza, Aeroparque and Blanca Pajas Airports

Business expansion
One aspect to consider in this context is that international tourism over the years has become an important source of income for Córdoba, to the point that as of this year, around $ 50 million has been generated per  month.
According to the International Travel Survey (ETI) prepared by the National Institute of Statistics and Censuses (INDEC), between January and September in the province there were  1,114,258 overnight stays of foreign tourists, generating revenues of more than
 U.S.$ 112 million, representing about $ 450 million in nine months.

This certainly is great news for la  Provincia de Cordoba and of course,  for Alta Gracia!!

279 Boutique Bed+Breakfast

November 14, 2010

279 Restaurant Review: El Bistro del Alquimia

   La otra noche fui con un amigo a cenar en el  Bistro del  Alquimia que recien inauguraron  en la calle Arozobispo Castellanos. Esta ubicado en el  viejo Club Polar.  Cuando entras en el Bistro del Alquimia, justo afuera en la entrada de la puerta, hay una pizzara acojedor  con el menu de tapas y el precio fijo escrito. Immediatamente cuando pasas a sentar, sientes una  onda muy “hip”, como decimos en New York City y te das cuenta que vas a tener una experiencia bien piola. El interior tiene el reminisce del viejo Club Polar. Las sillas son de los anos 50 y la mostrador de madera , un mueble importante y con historia, realmente  es una bellesa. Hay una  heladera espectacular de madera en el interior del bistro y otras cositas antiguas colgando de la pared. El Bistro del Alquimia, tambien es una escuela de cocinar ofreciendo clases de cocinar variando con clases que duran entre 3 meses y 2 anos y  siempre con los estudiantes cocinando en el “background”  préstando cierto encanto al restaurante.
Cuando sentamos, la chica que nos atendio,  nos explica que hay un solo menu  que consiste de una variedad de casuelas y  tapas. Explicando por detalle lo que ibamos a comer, estabamos impresionados   y con ganas de provar las creaciones del chef.
Despues de selecionar una  botella de vino del mostrador, comimos una variedad de cazuelas muy ricas. Unos de pollo , conejo en salsa de naranja y rinones en salsa. Entre buena comida , una botella de vino muy rico, y musica agradable nos divertimos muchos!
Aparte del menu fijo de casuelas/tapas, puedes llamar con anticipacion y preguntar el chef que te cocina algo especial.
Es un restaurante que recomiendo para todos!

“Bistro del Alquimia”
0351 156154312

November 4, 2010

Alta Gracia inaugura un museo de arte latinoamericano y europeo

    Alta Gracia recientemente inauguró un nuevo museo, el Taller de Arte "Gabriel Dubois", El primer museo de arte latinoamericano y europeo de la ciudad serrana. 
   El otro día, por fin fue capaz de visitar este museo muy impresionante.
El nuevo espacio cultura se ubicará en la casa donde habitó el artista, sito en calle Dubois sin número entre las calles Comechingones y Sanavirones, de barrio El Cañito en Alta Gracia.
   En 2008, la Municipalidad firmó un convenio con la nieta de Gabriel Simonnet, cuyo nombre artístico es Gabriel Dubois, para la donación de la vivienda, las obras y los moldes que pertenecieron al artista. Dubois vivió en Alta Gracia desde 1932 hasta que falleció en 1968.
  Además contará con talleres de formación en escultura y restauración dictados por reconocidos artistas plásticos locales. El museo se llevará a cabo en la casa de Gabriel Simonnet, conocido en el medio artístico como “Dubois”, con Carrier Belleuse junto a Augusto Rodin.  Una de las obras más destacadas de Dubois fue la realización de la araña del Salón Azul, del Senado de la Nación, para la Exposición de la Industria de 1910.
“Sus tulipas son de cristal de Baccarat, y el bronce utilizado perteneció a los cartuchos del arsenal de Guerra de la Nación”, indica la página web del Senado de la Nación. Asimismo, señala que pesa 2.054kilos y sus medidas son 5,20 metros de altura y 2,90 metros de diámetro.
 El colección personal de Dubois es absolutamente hermoso!
  Este museo es que no debe perderse durante su visita a Alta Gracia!

October 3, 2010

Good Morning!!

Buenos Dias!!
Queremos que empiezas tu dia con un cafe rico !

Ahora,  279 Boutique Bed+Breakfast  esta sirviendo el cafe

October 2, 2010

La definicion de "Boutique" .

El término  “Boutique” es originario de europa, utilizado para describir hotels de entornos íntimos, generalmente lujosos o no convencionales y emplazados en antiguas casas. Generalmente están ambientados con una temática de diseno o estilo particular..

Dentro de esta misma categoría pueden encajar perfectamente los  Bed+Breakfast denominados pequeños hospedajes con encanto, normalmente reducidas dimensiones, entre 2 o 3 habitaciones situados en entornos singulares, en edificaciones cuya arquitectura tiene un interés especial por tratarse de construcciones antiguas rehabilitadas y adaptadas para tal menester .

La definición del término “Boutique” nos la da Germán Xhemo, creador de Luxury Booking, quien dice que el concepto boutique para la hotelería se origina a mediados de los 80’ gracias a la fabulosa creación del empresario norteamericano Ian Schrager. El Morgan Hotel de Nueva York fue el primer hotel boutique propiamente dicho, dando nacimiento a una nueva modalidad de alojamientos donde prima la idea de hacer sentir al huésped como si estuviera en su propia casa, rodeado de  detalles de buen gusto.

 Bienvenidos a 279 Boutique Bed+Breakfast !!!

September 23, 2010

Caminos de las Estancias Jesuiticas

    Los testimonios de la acción de la Compañía de Jesús en la provincia ocupan un lugar de privilegio. En el lapso de tiempo comprendido entre 1599, año de la llegada de la, orden a Córdoba, y 1767, cuando se produce su expulsión por el rey Carlos III de España, la Compañía de Jesús estableció un sistema cultural-social, religioso, económico y territorial único en América hispana que marcó,  (desarrollo cultural, económico y territorial de la provincia).

    El sistema, centrado en la Ciudad dé Córdoba, se organizó alrededor de las empresas educativas y espirituales de la Compañía, dando, origen  al Colegio Máximo en 1610, a la Universidad en 1622, al Colegio Convictorio de Nuestra Señora de Monserrát en 1687 y al Noviciado.
Para asegurar el sustento económico de esos emprendimientos culturales se organizó y consolidó un sistema de estancias, establecimientos rurales productivos situados en el interior de la provincia. Las seis estancias fueron Caroya (en 1616), Jesús María (1618),
Santa Catalina (1622), Alta Gracia (1643), La Candelaria (en 1678) y San Ignacio (en 1725).

     El carácter único y relevante a nivel internacional de esta experiencia y sus testimonios patrimoniales ha sido reconocido por la UNESCO, que ha incluido el "Camino de las Estancias jesuíticas" y "La Manzana jesuítica" en la Lista de Patrimonio de la Humanidad.
El "Camino de las Estancias jesuíticas" constituye un itinerario turístico cultural, que permite descubrir y conocer los valores patrimoniales y la importancia a nivel mundial de estos lugares históricos. Es la ocasión de descubrir paisajes, tradiciones y costumbres que marcan la identidad de Córdoba cultural y turística.

    La buena noticia es que La Estancia Jesuitica de Alta Gracia queda a unos pocos pasos de 
279 Boutique Bed + Breakfast !! Te preparamos un desayuno rico con un buen cafe con leche y sigues a Las Estancias Caroya y Jesus Maria.  Un dia de Cultura!!

September 9, 2010

279 Boutique Bed+Breakfast has a new alarm clock!

This is Srinivas. 279's newest addition. His singing is the most beautiful  wake-up music you will ever hear!

  Here's a tidbit of background info:

The Roller Canary like all canaries is descended from a small green finch native to the Canary Islands in the Atlantic. Conquering Spanish soldiers and sailors brought them back to Spain to honor their lady loves as early as 1496. These 'little sugar birds' as they were known because of the beauty of their song soon became so fashionable that it was a matter of etiquette among the aristocracy to have a sailor present one in a golden cage to his lady.  

I'll take a canary in a golden cage over chocolates any day!!

September 5, 2010

Albanil del ano!!

      La palabra albanil (del arabe vulgar al-banni,y este del arabe clasico al-banna' el que construye o edifica) refiere a la persona que realiza indistintamente trabajos basicos de constuccion, como alzado de muros, paredes y tapias...

If there is one thing I dread more than anything else in this world, it's construction workers in my house.
  The  banging, the scattered, volcanic cement bags spewing cement dust all over the place, the insecure feeling in the back of your head, that one of the three unfamiliar baseball capped faces  that you have just let into your home, hopefully isn't staking out your house, (it's an Argentine thing) and let us not forget the mess..... oooohhh the mess!!
Aside from the obvious inconveniences and worries , one prays very hard, that at the end of the job, the Albanil (construction worker) that was highly recommended to you , who is  "de confianza", (trustworthy) and is sworn to you with enthusiasm that he "trabaja muy bien", (works very well) will ultimately not mess the job up.
   Every homeowner knows that construction repairs are inevitable and that sooner or later they will have to confront this stressful situation.
After 6 years of  small and large maintenance repairs to 279, I can't think of one major repair to the house that I didn't have to repair twice. Yes, you read correctly, same repair twice! DOS VECES!!
That was of course, before I met Jose.
Let me introduce you to Jose.   When Jose tells you that he will show up  at your house for work the next morning at 8:00am, Guess what? He show's up at 8:00am.No excuses , no hangovers.
  Jose's first job at 279 was to gut out and re-cement three walls. As I watched Jose outline the damaged area with a pencil and ruler, his attention to detail was impressive and reassuring. After 2 days of concentrated work, and a job that was visibly well executed from start to finish, I knew that  my prayers to Maradona, the man upstairs had been answered!
  I finally had found the needle in the hay stack, a true professional, hence, an albanil !
Trust me... it's a big deal!
I would like to take this moment to say thank you to Jose and  say...

Yiipppiieee !!!!

August 24, 2010

Antonio Gades en "El Amor Brujo" de Manuel de Falla

"El Amor Brujo", Manuel De Falla's Ballet, playing at El Teatro del Libertador

    The other day while visiting the city of Cordoba, I passed by El Teatro del Libertador, one of Cordoba's architectural treasures, and was happy to discover that "El Amor Brujo", Manuel de Falla's ballet was schedule to play this weekend.
   Having visited The Manuel de Falla Museum/home countless times here in Alta Gracia, one doesn't quite get the full impact of Manuel de Falla's  musical genius until you are fortunate enough to listen to his music live.

  "El Amor Brujo" is a piece of music originally composed by Manuel de Falla for a chamber group, then re-scored as a symphonic suite, and eventually as a ballet.
      "El Amor Brujo" was initially commissioned in 1914-15 as a gitaneria (gypsy piece) by Pastora Imperio, a renowned flamenco gypsy dancer, and was scored for cantaora voice, actors and chamber orchestra.
    The following year, Falla revised the work for symphonic orchestra, with three short songs for mezzo-soprano. The version was given on March 28th,1916 with the Madrid Symphony Orchestra under Enrique Fernandez Arbos but unfortunately did not do well. In 1925, de Falla transformed it into a one-act "ballet pantomimico".
   "El Amor Brujo" is the story of a young Andalusian gypsy girl named Candela. Candela falls in love with a man named Carmelo, after her unfaithful husband, whom she has been forced to marry, had died. The dead husband's ghost returns to haunt Candela and Carmelo. To rid them of the ghost, all the gypsies make a large circle around their campfire at midnight. In this circle Candela performs the Ritual  Fire Dance. This causes the ghost to appear, with whom she then dances. As they whirl around faster and faster, the magic of the fire dance causes the ghost to be drawn into the fire, making it vanish forever.

El Amor Brujo plays this Thurs/Fri/Sat August 25th,26th, and 27th at El Teatro Libertador. 9:30 pm

May 31, 2010

Architectural Tour of Cordoba at night!

As an  avid enthusiast of Design+Architecture, I highly recommend the following: 

"Architectural Walking Tour of Cordoba at Night "

Starting point: 279 Bed+Breakfast

Transportation: Calamuchita de las Sierras (local bus ride to Cordoba 45 minutes, leaves you in front of your first stop which is El Museo Caraffa)
1st stop: Museo Caraffa
walk across  Plaza Espana to
2nd stop: El Museo Ferreyra
walk down calle Hipolito Hirigoyen to
3rd stop: El Paseo de Buen Pastor. (If you're lucky you might be able to catch the fountain show accompanied by classical music)
walk west to Plaza  San Martin to
4rth stop: El Cabildo.

          After your walking tour, may  I suggest one of my favorite restaurants;
"La Revolucion" 27 de Abril 633. This charming French style bistro is a hidden gem located in the Court House district crossing la canada. The restaurants space + decor are beautifully designed with  a blend of earth tone colors, a nice selection of art work,  intimate  and comfortable seating,  low lighting and a great mix of International lounge music.  Your best bet is the prix fix dinner menu which usually consists of  one of the chef's  delicious innovative cuisine specialties. 
" La Revolucion"  also has an impressive wine list  by the bottle or by the glass !!

A 10 minute taxi ride from El Cabildo.


May 20, 2010

Summertime in the Sierras

 Summer is officially over. The autumn chill is starting to creep its way early evening and lingers on until early afternoon next day. This is the time of year when you  just don't know how to dress for the day. You optimistically put on a sweater hoping that it will carry you throughout the day but by early afternoon, you find yourself in a sweat with the sun full and bright above you.
Trying to understand why it was chilly this morning and then suddenly hot when the weather forecast prediction read otherwise, you annoyingly  peel off your sweater and now have a piece of extra bulk to carry around with you. Luckily, I am from the "tying your sweater around your waist" school of fashion, so although bulky... I've got my city girl solution !
I'll miss Summer in the Sierras riding my bike through the back roads, up and down the winding hills, focusing on the rough terrain while my dog Indiana Jones faithfully runs behind me at greyhound speed. Concentrated on arriving to "La Paisanita", the next town over, the  45 minute bike ride is well worth it knowing that  paradise awaits us. Once there, our private and hidden playground welcomes us with the sun bright above, an open sky, wild foliage, smooth rocks and the warm white water that rushes down stream from the mountains. Alas, natures gift package to us!!

    And so, another summer comes to an end in the lovely Sierras of Cordoba.

    April 24, 2010

    Diego El Cigala comes to Cordoba !

      Those dark drooping bedroom eyes, that nose, the long black wavy hair, the voice, that raspy Gitano voice that can only belong to one person, Diego El Cigala.   "Be still my beating heart!!".
     And so, while reading Cordoba's Arts+Entertainment section, my heart suddenly leaped  out when I read that Diego El Cigala  would be performing for one night only at El Teatro de Libertador here in Cordoba City. I had tried several years earlier to get concert tickets   when he had performed with  Bebo Valdez, the cuban pianist, at Carnegie Hall in New York City . Their Grammy winning CD "Lagrimas Negras" was a huge International hit. Realistically, I knew my chances were pretty slim. After all , we are talking about NYC, where a series of 5 concerts in Madison Square Garden can sell out within 30 minutes.
    I asked myself... How difficult could it be  to get concert tickets in Cordoba, Argentina?? I immediately phoned a friend of mine in Cordoba to see if she could get me tickets at the  Theaters box office. She mentioned that she had bought her tickets almost 3 weeks in advanced and that it might be difficult, but all the same she would try. Unfortunately, the bad news came early the next day.... all sold out! NADA!!.... not happening .....

    Well, I still have faith that I will see Diego El Cigala perform one day down the road, so in the meantime I leave you with one of his songs to enjoy from the "Lagrimas Negras" CD.

    Bebo & Cigala - Vete de mi

    April 23, 2010


    I'm often asked by my guests, what made me move to Alta Gracia? The truth is I never really have a stock answer to give them except to say that I really loved Alta Gracia and wanted to stay. That was 5 years ago when I was the only foreigner walking in the center of town while being eyed by locals. The speculation and mystery of who I was and what I was doing in Alta Gracia seemed to be preoccupying to many. Go figure!
    Quite frankly, at times, I felt like some kind of misplaced being.
     Today, I am happy to say that I am joined by several fellow Americans who have also planted their feet in Alta Gracia, and to my surprise, a strong French community of ex-pats.
    How did they discover Alta Gracia?
    Their reasons are a collection of different stories that have brought them here and just as I did, they found something tying in Alta Gracia and decided to stay.
    The fun part is that both American and French Ex-Pats have formed  a lovely group, which recently grew in size with the latest couple joining us from Canada.
     An exciting discovery about our French friends... they sure can cook! Pates, quiches, rillettes de porc, tarte tatin and North African dishes, all this delicious food accompanied by some of Argentina's finest wines. So between our French, American, Argentine and Canadian friends, the International cuisine in Alta Gracia has taken on a deliciously exciting realm.
     We happily welcome Vietnamese, Japanese, Thai, Italian, Greek, Ethiopian, and Syrian friends to our group!

    April 7, 2010

    White Laundry

    White Laundry. I never really gave white laundry much thought until I moved to Alta Gracia.
    Living in New York City, many brownstone buildings and old apartment houses do not have washing machines and dryers on the premises.
     The only other alternative one has, is to walk several blocks to the closest laundromat and do it yourself or drop it off at the dry cleaners and have them wash your laundry. I remember dropping off my weekly laundry at Kim's, my neighborhood Korean dry cleaners. In the morning before work, I would lug my heavy overstuffed laundry bag and place it on Kim's scale and have it weighed. "You make more dirty laundry this week Ms. Lareo", Kim would remarkably notice and comment. "Well Kim, it's the sheets, they weigh a lot", I would reply.
    I would later return in the evening to find that my heavy overstuffed laundry bag, was now a compact, nicely folded, freshly scented stack of clothes+sheets.
     5 years later, I have now become a "Laundry Queen". Running a Bed+Breakfast is synonymous with laundry. To be more specific,white sheets...lots of white sheets! I have discovered that hanging sheets  on a laundry line can be very therapeutic. The flapping of crisp white sheets in the air, the clean fresh scent, the cheeriness and elegance of the color white, actually makes me happy. What I once thought might be a tedious chore, has now become a nice routine. Who knew!! 

    March 25, 2010

    Doctor in the House!

                                                                                        279 Bed+Breakfast recently had it's first medical emergency. Staying with us for 15 days, a lovely French couple visiting from France fell ill due to a case of food poisoning while visiting a town nearby. With a very high fever, I immediately called the local Sanatorio  for help and was surprised to find out that there was a doctor who made house calls.
    Honestly, I had thought that doctors who made house calls were all extinct by now, so I was pleasantly surprised to find out that they still indeed existed, or at least one did , here in Alta Gracia.

     Waiting outside for the doctor to arrive, I had an image of an elderly man with white hair carrying an old fashion medical bag making his way down the street. As I sat waiting, a car pulled up to the house and a tall strapping man with a mustache got out of the car. At first, it did not sink in, but after a few seconds, I quickly realized that the little old doctor with the  antique medical bag wasn't coming!
     I greeted the newer version who carried what looked like an over sized  computer bag  slung across his torso and led him into the house. Having to translate for the doctor from Spanish to quasi French, he patiently was able to render a diagnosis and prescribe treatment. The doctors professionalism and genuine ability to make my guests feel at ease was quite reassuring. After examining Madame, he made a phone call to a local pharmacy and within 10 minutes, very impressive , medicines were delivered. The doctor wrote down on a piece of paper a diet for Madame to ad here too and followed up with several phone calls for the next couple of days to see that Madame and Monsieur were recuperating.

    Now that's old fashion service from a modern doctor!!

    March 12, 2010

    279's Favorite Restaurants in Alta Gracia


    The Golf Club Restaurant
    Roal Zuzulich, soft spoken chef , has a pretty solid following. He is one of the more innovative chefs in Alta Gracia. A family run business, service is excellent, especially if you're lucky enough to have Roal's brother , Titi, as your waiter.
    The medallion de lomo and potato gratin are cooked to perfection. Also very good is the homemade pumpkin ravioli in a light mustard sauce. Great wine list and excellent dessert menu. Indoor and outdoor seating, both with a lovely view of the Alta Gracia golf course.
    Food: meat, chicken, pasta, fish, and salads . Reservations recommended especially on the weekends.


     El Potrerillo de Larreta
    This small exclusive restaurant is located in the Potrerillo de Larreta. It's a charming restaurant located in a beautiful estate home built in the 1920's. It's the perfect setting for a quiet, romantic dinner or lunch. The chef, Gabriela Zuzulich, also has an innovative menu. The food is excellent and never disappointing. Excellent wine list  and dessert menu. Setting indoors and outdoors with a lovely view of the estate.  Food: pasta, meat, chicken, and fish. Reservations a must ! 

    January 26, 2010

    Las Colectividades XXIII

    Every year in the beginning of February , the city of Alta Gracia hosts the annual festival "Las Colectividades" in front of the Tajamar lake. Each night, a schedule of 8 countries perform their traditional dances on stage, ending     the night with performances by local and international artists such as  rocker/folk singer Leon Geico, coined the Bob Dylan of Argentina, the incredibly popular folk singer Jorge Rojas, the late, great Mercedes Sosa, and a variety of
     entertainers. The event is quite entertaining and well organized. Aside from listening to music and
    watching wonderfully entertaining dancers on stage, one can visit the different tents and sample foods from around the world.
    Under the Sirian tent, you will find a harem of belly dancers wiggling their way through a packed tent full of spectators. (one of the more entertaining tents) If you make your way to Espana , one of the largest tents in this event, not only will you be entertained by a robust Zarzuela singer belting it out, but you will also come across  one of the largest paellas you will ever see in your life! The massive desserts from Germany are eye popping and tempting as are the  honey drenched phyllo  pastries from Armenia.  If you are in the mood to shake your hips, head on over to the Cuban tent, grab a daiquiri or mojito and get ready to move your feet where you will be entertained by some excellent Cuban salsa dancers.    The Cuban tent usually starts hopping late at night.  This years entrance fee is 10 pesos. This event gets packed quickly so it is recommended to come early. Don't forget your dancing shoes!

    January 21, 2010

    My Cuban Trifecta

          Growing up in Miami, one of my most treasured childhood memories was my mother's garden. I often remember coming home from school and finding  my mother in the backyard wearing her blue polka dotted halter top revealing her dark freckled skin, and almost always with a machete in hand hacking away amongst the invasive banana trees that covered the walkway to our garden.  Our front and back yard was a tropical jungle with trees and plants overlapping each other while camouflaging our house with color  and fragrances.
    Aside from our  pet parrots and the singing male canaries perched in their cages against the wall, I often wondered if my mother was trying to recreate her childhood home in Cuba  with this tropical paradise.  
     The Bougainvillea trees that seemed to take up  the most  space in our garden were of two variety of colors, a deep violet purple and a dark bright pink color that covered the dividing wall between our neighbors home and ours.

       Palm trees, Gardenia trees, Banana trees, Hibiscus trees, an Avocado tree, a collection of orchids and Cactus and a huge mango tree were all part of my mother's tropical menagerie.
       There are three trees in particular that I like to refer to as a "Cuban Trifecta". They are  the three that remind me most of growing up Cuban.
    They are the Bougainvillea tree, the Gardenia tree and the Palm tree. I am happy to announce that my very own "Cuban Trifecta" finally came in!!
    After waiting patiently for what seemed like an eternity, my Gardenia tree finally produced its first fragrant flower, giving 279 Bed+Breakfast its' very own "Cuban Trifecta" !

      I dedicate my "Cuban Trifecta" to "La Cubana".


    January 16, 2010

    Who will play Myriam Stefford and Raul Baron Biza in Hollywood's next Romance film?

    When I hear the names Myriam Stefford and Baron Biza, I just can't believe that Hollywood hasn't produced a movie about this handsome and glamorous couple. Perhaps Stefford and Biza were not as controversial as Evita Peron or Ernesto"Che" Guevara to  have a three hour film produced about their lives, I really can't say. I can only comment from a romantic point of view, and in my opinion, this story has the makings of a true Hollywood romance film.
    Swiss born, Rosa Margarita Rossi Hoffman took the pseudonym Myriam Stefford while working as an actress in theater in Vienna. In 1928, at the age of 23 while visiting the city of Venice, she met the writer and Argentine millionaire Raul Baron Biza with whom she fell in love and married in 1930. Stefford gave up her acting carreer and relocated to Argentina with her new husband. They alternated between Buenos Aires and the Sierras of Cordoba where Baron Biza owned an Estancia, "Los Cerillos" near the city of Cordoba. Baron Biza and Stefford shared a mutual lust for adventure. He introduced Stefford to the world of aviation. Prompted by a passion for flying, she earned her  pilots license and became one of Argentina's first female pilots. Baron Biza gifted Myriam her very own biplane christened "The Chingolo I". Expressing a strong desire to become the first female pilot in Argentina to fly a long distance route, Myriam and her flight instructor planned a  flight that would take her through 14  cities beginning on August 18th, 1931.

    During the third stage of her flight in the city of JuyJuy, she flew into wire cables cutting off part of her wing during a landing procedure. A fellow pilot had offered to lend Stefford his airplane so that she could  continue her flight as planned. On August 26th, 1931, two days before their first wedding anniversary, a malfunction in the engine occurred ,tragically ending Myriam Stefford's life at the age of 26.
    Completely heart broken, Baron Biza hired the engineer Fausto Newton to construct a giant mausoleum  in the shape of an airplane wing on his property  in Cordoba. The wing which is 82 meters high with a foundation of 15 meters deep, was constructed out of cement and 170 tons of iron for support. It took 100 construction workers one year and a half to erect .
    In the interior of the wing, the 406 steps lead to the top of the wing where visitors can view the surrounding landscape from  the two windows built at the top of the monument. Myriam Steffords tomb and final resting place lies in a crypt several meters beneath the monument.
    Rumor has it that Baron Biza had his wife's jewels and the Cruz del Sur, a 45 carat diamond placed in a silver box and buried inside of cement a few meters below the crypt.
    Tragedy later followed Baron Biza until his death several years later by suicide. If you google Raul Baron Biza you can find out more about his turbulent life after Stefford's death. (juicy Hollywood material)
    The Monument is really a majestic sight to see and not to be missed if you are traveling in these neck of the woods.
    The Myriam Stefford Monument is located on Route 5 between Alta Gracia and Cordoba. If you look carefully, at night, you can see the the tail lights,  a subtle red beacon glowing on the wing.

    January 14, 2010

    Alta Gracia's "homeboy"

    I found this really informative, entertaining, nicely designed website about Ernesto "Che " Guevara. I think it covers just about everything from  history, music videos, documentaries, quotes, Cuban related subjects,  merchandise, and a very entertaining collection of photos. It has everything you ever wanted to know  about "El Che".
    The only thing missing is an actual visit to his hood in Alta Gracia !

    January 11, 2010

    Welcome to Alta Gracia's Best Kept Secret!

       279 Bed+Breakfast is entering into its 4rth season as Alta Gracia's first "Boutique"  Bed+Breakfast.
       Combining a blend of shabby chic simplicity and a touch of modern design, most clients feel quite comfortable and appreciate the over all atmosphere created here at 279 Bed+Breakfast.  After working in New York City as a photographer and PropStylist for more than 20 years, my experience and eye for detail, came in handy while decorating 279.
         279 has two rooms, each with its own bathroom and a very comfortable Queen size mattress.   Both rooms open to the patio and have a view of  several very colorful Bougainvillea trees that I have diligently  trained against the wall for the past 3 years.        
            The antique iron garden chairs and tables in the patio are a comfortable place to kick back and relax  with a book, a glass of wine or one of my specialty mojitos!
             279 is located within walking distance of Alta Gracias' historical district which includes The Jesuit Estancia, a UNESCO WORLD HERITAGE SITE and of course, the idyllic Tajamar Lake also built by the Jesuits which  is located parallel to the Estancia.
         Other attractions include The Che Guevara Museum and The Manuel de Falla Museum which are definitely worth visiting and also within walking distance from 279.  
          Alta Gracia's outdoor activities ; horseback riding, tennis, hiking, biking, and golf are also added attractions for the outdoorsy type, especially biking, my personal favorite. In about 45 minutes by bike (depending on your athletic ability) there are rivers with pools of water to be explored in surrounding towns. This type of  biking adventure to the river is what originally attracted me  to Alta Gracia.
     It's a great location for a picnic and a day of swimming surrounded by nature!

    All this, and much , much more...

    279 Boutique Bed+Breakfast