Alta Gracia Newz

February 14, 2012

The Ernesto Che Guevara Museum's new Entrance Fee.

    A few weeks ago, I received the new entrance fee list for all the museum's in Alta Gracia. I was shocked to see that the Che Guevara Museum increased it's entrance fee from 5 pesos to a staggering 75 pesos for foreigners , after all, let's face it, the Ernesto "Che" Guevara Museum in Alta Gracia is not the Metropolitan Museum in New York City nor the Louvre Museum in Paris. The Che Guevara Museum is a small museum located in one of several houses in  the city of Alta Gracia where el "Che" and his family supposedly lived for a brief 6 months during his childhood.
Aside from several beautifully displayed photos depicting Che Guevara's childhood in different rooms of the house, and a few replicas  including the motorcycle that he used to travel through South America with his close friend Alberto Granados, there isn't much substance in this museum, certainly not enough to command 75 pesos. Of course if you are a Che Guevara  die hard follower , 75 pesos is a mere bagatelle.
Several  European and American clients who have stayed at 279 Boutique Bed+Breakfast  refused to pay the entrance fee but not because they could not afford it, but mostly on principal.

 If this new fee is a deterrent, luckily, Alta Gracia's other museums, The Manuel de Falla Museum, The Gabriel Dubois Museum and our Jesuit Estancia/Museo which is a Unesco site , are certainly more affordable, interesting and worth a visit.

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